The Original Gallery | By Leah Marie Watson There was a moment in my life when I ask myself who the fuck am I. I've come to understand that this is normal. Yet a seriously confusing time. We all have a story. What makes a story? Usually there is a beginning, a middle and an end. Regardless of how long the story is there will always be present a conflict or a trauma or some kind of Revelation. In each one of our lives there is a general outline. Beginning middle end. Most of us do not imagine ourselves as creators. Yet if you look at life from the perspective of an observation any one of our Lives could be documented and become a story. A piece of art. Out of all of us, on the planet, all seven point something billion of us will have a unique story. A unique feel. A vibration. On the perspective of each one of our Lives being like sound, music. Then you could say we are the composer, producer and performers of our songs. Our Album is full of our song...