wonders of you | Leah Marie Watson

As we all live our lives I know some of us Wonder. There are Wonders of the stars and space. Wonders of our Ancient past. We all seem to be somewhat passionate or afraid of the unknown. We all seem to forget that the unknown has mostly served us well. It's when we stay in the Comforts of the known we form unprogressive patterns.

Many Wonders have a plethora of topics. From Ancient symbolism to Astrology. I could write pages on the topics of theories and ideas and places of the unknown.

The profound and Underneath It All message here is that the unknown has always unlocked New Wonders itself. For those who have studied the unknown of our past have also unlocked unknowns for our future. For these individuals, the attraction of the unknown is their passion. These individuals have changed our lives. By stretching into the unknown many have invented modern day Wonders. I am sure you have heard of some of the greatest inventors of our time. No need to mention names.

By having faith in the language of the universe, it gave them the answers to their ideas of the unknown. Like the telephone, television, internet, are just some examples. A clear pattern of world-changing inventions are the ones that connect us together as communities and networks have been the biggest impactful discoveries of the unknown in our time. When we trust in our passions like these great inventors; life will yield you the answers. These individuals understood the mathematics or language of the universe, they changed the world by sharing their great ideas and having faith that they would be accepted because they were created in a space or a frame of mind that was vast and for the greater good.

Now we can as well apply this to an individual's life. In a course of a lifetime we are faced with changes, questions and decisions. Tough ones sometimes. Having hope and faith in these times of change are paramount to our success. Remember that the great inventors trusted. As you should too. We change, we need to remember that change is the key to success. Change makes things better .  Change makes life more convenient . Change sets us free. We have to let the universe flow on its own and work on relaxing in the unknown when it is presented to us. The best way to do this is to give the unknown the energies of what you would like to experience. Being afraid will be a recipe for chaos. Being in a state of faith and satisfaction will bring only that.

It's important to observe yourself from the outside and fine-tune your energy to a balance state of enjoyment and satisfaction as much as possible. As humans we are subjected to an ocean of energy daily, at all times. Literally, the air is ocean of energy collected or broadcasted. Or some may understand it better as good and bad vibes. So maintaining one's energy should be a priority. For example if you have caught yourself suddenly in a bad mood and you realize this by observing from the outside and you come to the conclusion that your conversation with someone earlier that day had rattled you to a lower vibration and now you are working with it. That's why it is important to observe ourselves and check in as much as possible to make sure that we are vibrating at a state of abundance. 

We are all our own Wonder. It's important to explore things you have picked up along the way or bought into energetically from the past. These kind of beliefs and energies sometimes really do not justify who you are. You are not them. Being authentically you is the goal to living the life you truly want. You actually would be more miserable living someone else's truth than your own. Your soul and you have a plan. Look up to yourself and have a conversation. Begin to get to know yourself. Maybe you can fall in love with who you truly are and want to be. You may be surprised.

Be quiet in your mind and simply ask yourself for the answers you need. Remember your soul is always with you and working with you and guiding you whether you want to believe it or not. Your soul plays a huge role in what goes on in your mind and what you do. So being on the same team and aware of these goals will give you great power. 

show me my passion
show me my value
show me my strength
show me my love

Now the answers come in the form of experience. You then have to be open to observing your life to find those answers. They're usually right in front of you. Most of us are so caught up in other frames of mind that we end up missing our path of least resistance. The good thing is is that your soul is always opening up new doors and new ways. By observing your experience with your trusty emotions you will feel your answers. You will know if something is good or bad for you. Observe how an experience makes you feel. For example if you are around somebody that you find it hard to maintain your balance, that is a red flag for a little closer look. When observing your answers it's important to remember that your emotions are like a meter that knows only good and bad. You also have to make sure you're doing your work on being a neutral conductor for the meter and the energy that is coming through. If you're not balanced properly the experience is not delivered in a balanced way. The information will be distorted and wrong and not valuable. When observing your experiences in a  neutral state you will have the utmost clarity and I guarantee that you will have a smile on your face. That's how you begin to truly get to know who you are. 

Leah Marie Watson

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law of attraction 
how to live your best life 
how to use the law of attraction 
how to know yourself 
who am I 
who are you
Cosmic consciousness
Spirit guides
Past life
Future life
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