

LEAH MARIE WATSON | RADIANT YOU Empowerment is a tricky feeling to possess. You ride a fine line between the conceited and loving yourself. I realized that when you're empowered, it is like having a superpower. Confidence is radiant. Self-love is ravishing. Personal boundaries are gangster. Now it's hard to possess empowerment because of our childhood insecurities and flaws and blah blah blah. All those things must not be present in your vicinity of thought or feeling in order to achieve empowerment. Empowerment is pure knowing that you deserve anything and everything that this world has to offer. Anything! I myself possess empowerment. It's something that I've planted inside of myself, nurtured and grew from within. It took time pulling all the weeds out of my garden of empowerment. I had weeds in there from old situations that made me feel ugly. I had experiences of feeling incompetent and inadequate that had to go and be transmuted. I had stuff i...


wonders of you | Leah Marie Watson As we all live our lives I know some of us Wonder. There are Wonders of the stars and space. Wonders of our Ancient past. We all seem to be somewhat passionate or afraid of the unknown. We all seem to forget that the unknown has mostly served us well. It's when we stay in the Comforts of the known we form unprogressive patterns. Many Wonders have a plethora of topics. From Ancient symbolism to Astrology. I could write pages on the topics of theories and ideas and places of the unknown. The profound and Underneath It All message here is that the unknown has always unlocked New Wonders itself. For those who have studied the unknown of our past have also unlocked unknowns for our future. For these individuals, the attraction of the unknown is their passion. These individuals have changed our lives. By stretching into the unknown many have invented modern day Wonders. I am sure you have heard of some of the greatest inventors of our...


The Original Gallery | By Leah Marie Watson There was a moment in my life when I ask myself who the fuck am I. I've come to understand that this is normal. Yet a seriously confusing time. We all have a story. What makes a story? Usually there is a beginning, a middle and an end. Regardless of how long the story is there will always be present a conflict or a trauma or some kind of Revelation. In each one of our lives there is a general outline. Beginning middle end. Most of us do not imagine ourselves as creators. Yet if you look at life from the perspective of an observation any one of our Lives could be documented and become a story. A piece of art. Out of all of us, on the planet, all seven point something billion of us will have a unique story. A unique feel. A vibration. On the perspective of each one of our Lives being like sound, music. Then you could say we are the composer, producer and performers of our songs. Our Album is full of our song...


BY LEAH MARIE WATSON | THE VOID Nothing seems right. Nothing seems fun. I feel I am in a void. I have so many dreams, so many exciting ideas. I have my pain. I have my past. I have my current. I have my present. How do I get out of this void. I know to move forward but how can I let go. I'm afraid. What I am afraid of is the unknown. The unknown is exactly what I fear. If I resist too long I feel tragedy will come. I feel if I let go and face my fear then real joy will be presented to me. I feel like I'm standing on the edge of the cliff and too afraid to take the jump or the leap. It's dark down there I can't see a thing. I don't know how far the jump is. I don't know if it'll hurt when I land or I will be protected and caught by love. I'm being heckled and bullied to the Edge. The darkness is creeping behind me. It laughs and mocks me. The resistance is building. I know I have to jump. I feel as if I have ropes hol...


BY LEAH MARIE WATSON | COMMON SENSE What's wrong with you? What's wrong with me? Are you sad? Is this how life is supposed to be? If you find yourself asking these questions. Ask yourself this.... Is there really a right and wrong way to live? Also, ask yourselff, is possible that there is only consequences to our actions? Are the “rights” and “wrongs” only beliefs that we have bought into or been taught? Some consequences we favor. Other choices lead to consequences we regret. Knowing the outcome of a choice would be referred to having Common Sense. Noticed how most of us say that someone HAS common sense . Referring to that they have been shown it or received it at some point. So why does it seem that so many individuals lack common sense. We all lack common sense in many areas such as relationships or work ethic ect. We can only work with what we have been taught, observed or experienced. Realize now that some things that you have been taught may ...


By Leah Marie Watson | BLOG INTRO I would like to take a minute or two to thank anyone who is reading this. My next step in my self discovery… This Blog! It's my place! I am so excited. A little spot for me to express my mind, and my feelings. Thanks to all that have supported me in creating this Brand and this culture of me! If you haven't already noticed I call it Original Gallery. Expressing my thoughts and feelings is something very therapeutic to me. I have found that I like to do it in many ways depending on what kind of mood I'm in. Once I discovered I could use voice text for most of my articles and stories I felt limitless. Before this epiphany, I was not interested in becoming a master typist before becoming a writer. So because in the past it felt more like a chore than fun, I was not interested. One thing I have always have known about myself is if I don't want to do it, I better not, cuz I do a shitty job. So I just don't do things I do...