LEAH MARIE WATSON | RADIANT YOU Empowerment is a tricky feeling to possess. You ride a fine line between the conceited and loving yourself. I realized that when you're empowered, it is like having a superpower. Confidence is radiant. Self-love is ravishing. Personal boundaries are gangster. Now it's hard to possess empowerment because of our childhood insecurities and flaws and blah blah blah. All those things must not be present in your vicinity of thought or feeling in order to achieve empowerment. Empowerment is pure knowing that you deserve anything and everything that this world has to offer. Anything! I myself possess empowerment. It's something that I've planted inside of myself, nurtured and grew from within. It took time pulling all the weeds out of my garden of empowerment. I had weeds in there from old situations that made me feel ugly. I had experiences of feeling incompetent and inadequate that had to go and be transmuted. I had stuff i...