Mystic Mind
By Leah Marie Watson | MYSTIC MIND
I know deep down inside I'm on a journey, a path. There are deep holes and dark places I find myself in my mind. Sometimes I feel like my mind is maze that I will never figure out how to get out of. It's a wonder of mine how others handle life. Then it comes to mind that there are many people out there numbing themselves or distracting themselves of this very emotion that I am describing.
My relationship that I began working on with my ego and my soul has been difficult. Uniting my light and dark side to work together is my goal. On the outside, my life has manifested what has been going on inside of me. My pain and insecurities have been tested beyond my expectations. Rock bottom and I have danced. I am humbled.
My relationship that I began working on with my ego and my soul has been difficult. Uniting my light and dark side to work together is my goal. On the outside, my life has manifested what has been going on inside of me. My pain and insecurities have been tested beyond my expectations. Rock bottom and I have danced. I am humbled.
I had to take a good hard look at myself and see what I really liked about me. What did I bring to life that had value. I had to take a good hard look at my life and see what I was contributing energetically and emotionally.
I also had to be accountable for the energy and my behavior on an emotional level. I had to forgive myself for depending on others. I had to also forgive myself for letting myself down. My life was tainted and toxic. The people around me where tainted and toxic.
I was no better or worse. I was just an expression of the energy of toxic, and tainted. It's important to mention here that energy cannot be destroyed. Energy must be transmuted, transformed or it remains.
In other words if we don't deal with our shit, it keeps showing up until we do.

I've been hacking my way out of this energy. Hacking my mind. Replacing negative bad vibes with joyful thoughts, affirmations of abundance, etc. I'm trying to make a “good life” as familiar to my body and my mind as possible. You could call this reprogramming. Your soul is already on board, always is, always will be.
It is clear to me that some individuals don't even realize their energy and emotions. Our emotions have been down played in our culture , and I believe this is why many of us are lost.
It's also clear that most people do not recognize or cherish their soul. Having a good relationship with yourself, your soul, is like having the cheat codes to every video game known to man. It's huge, that's where your power really is stored. Your soul is the only part of this world you should really trust.
I also had to be accountable for the energy and my behavior on an emotional level. I had to forgive myself for depending on others. I had to also forgive myself for letting myself down. My life was tainted and toxic. The people around me where tainted and toxic.
I was no better or worse. I was just an expression of the energy of toxic, and tainted. It's important to mention here that energy cannot be destroyed. Energy must be transmuted, transformed or it remains.
In other words if we don't deal with our shit, it keeps showing up until we do.

I've been hacking my way out of this energy. Hacking my mind. Replacing negative bad vibes with joyful thoughts, affirmations of abundance, etc. I'm trying to make a “good life” as familiar to my body and my mind as possible. You could call this reprogramming. Your soul is already on board, always is, always will be.
It is clear to me that some individuals don't even realize their energy and emotions. Our emotions have been down played in our culture , and I believe this is why many of us are lost.
It's also clear that most people do not recognize or cherish their soul. Having a good relationship with yourself, your soul, is like having the cheat codes to every video game known to man. It's huge, that's where your power really is stored. Your soul is the only part of this world you should really trust.
So far, I have realized during the hardest times of Our Lives, our soul steps in when we ask for help. We give a whole lot of credit to God, when a lot of that credit should be going to your self.
It's really you that's achieving these milestones and transformations. Great Revelations and miracles happen when you get out of your own way. Magic is real people. It's just not what it seems.
It took me a long time to discover and realize that being around certain individuals can make life more difficult or more fun. Not specifically because of them but because of the energy and emotions present. Some individuals energy clashes hard, making certain circumstances intolerable due to the differences in the energies and emotions. I would call this a moment of Chaos.
On the other end there are individuals that can bring light and warmth and love into our experiences. We ourselves can become that light, and that love. It just takes a little practice.
It's really you that's achieving these milestones and transformations. Great Revelations and miracles happen when you get out of your own way. Magic is real people. It's just not what it seems.
It took me a long time to discover and realize that being around certain individuals can make life more difficult or more fun. Not specifically because of them but because of the energy and emotions present. Some individuals energy clashes hard, making certain circumstances intolerable due to the differences in the energies and emotions. I would call this a moment of Chaos.
On the other end there are individuals that can bring light and warmth and love into our experiences. We ourselves can become that light, and that love. It just takes a little practice.
After practicing and realizing my ability to transform energy and neutralize situations and circumstances. I have become powerful and even more observant. Absolutely every thought pattern that I have had has showed up. Everything that I didn't want to happen, happened. Everything that I wanted to happen with love and joy, happened. It's up to me to clear out my energy field to live a good life.
It was a difficult thing to believe in my power and value.
I am human and my path is my lifetime. Still, It can be hard to focus on the future and my path in a positive way sometimes, but again, I am human.
My loved ones and family, I will not give up on. I don't want to play out the traditional, stereotypical, cliche of it being all their fault and me the victim. I don't play like that. I am a winner. I want to be a part of something more enriched than that. I know that I am strong enough to hold space in life for them to catch up. Love is all you need, but when your loved ones are so traumatized, and scared, they don't see an end to their misery. That's why it's important to hold space for people. That's why it's important to never play the victim. Hurt people hurt people. Plain and simple.
I feel the grace, and see the lessons so clearly, don't get me wrong. I know exactly what is going on here. I may not know every detail of what I'm working through but I trust that it's for a beautiful wonderful reason. I'm going to blossom into an even better person. Although I'm well-educated on the topic of transformation and have a lot of tools to navigate my life, I cannot speed up the process of someone's Journey. All of what I know, they have to be ready for it. It's like a foreign language if someones not ready. If I were to try, it may actually delay the growth they need to move forward. It's important to remember to stay on your path and be considerate of others while doing so. I would like to also mention, never blame anyone else for your pain. That's a burden you don't want to place on someone. At times I understand it's hard to not play the victim. What I'm trying to teach you is how to never feel like a victim ever again.
There is absolutely nothing you can do on your own to numb or distract yourself from your mission. This makes sense as to why we have so many people with addiction problems, or obsessions. People that are clearly desperate for answers. Desperate for Love, Money, relief and happiness .
I feel the grace, and see the lessons so clearly, don't get me wrong. I know exactly what is going on here. I may not know every detail of what I'm working through but I trust that it's for a beautiful wonderful reason. I'm going to blossom into an even better person. Although I'm well-educated on the topic of transformation and have a lot of tools to navigate my life, I cannot speed up the process of someone's Journey. All of what I know, they have to be ready for it. It's like a foreign language if someones not ready. If I were to try, it may actually delay the growth they need to move forward. It's important to remember to stay on your path and be considerate of others while doing so. I would like to also mention, never blame anyone else for your pain. That's a burden you don't want to place on someone. At times I understand it's hard to not play the victim. What I'm trying to teach you is how to never feel like a victim ever again.
There is absolutely nothing you can do on your own to numb or distract yourself from your mission. This makes sense as to why we have so many people with addiction problems, or obsessions. People that are clearly desperate for answers. Desperate for Love, Money, relief and happiness .
I have realized that although I am no better or worse than any other person, I do have far more information and knowledge as to what everybody is processing and feeling energetically. Some call this a psychic intuitive ability. What I realized about psychic intuitive abilities is this, to interact directly with your intuition is to become able to observe yourself, to be present, and to be neutral. Once you practice this enough you will exercise your intuition to be online forever. It's a natural ability of yours just like breathing. Once it's online, it's till death baby.
This is when I feel that I started my relationship with My Soul. I was running on empty with my ego and it dumped me. My soul came to save me and taught me some things. Egos are inevitably something you will always have, but it's good for your ego to be your best friend with your soul. The ego cannot handle everything on its own. Plus our ego is fueled by our fear , our soul is fueled by our love . To have a good relationship with yourself is to have these two parts of you balance. That's why we are designed with a dual source.
Even If you do not have a direct relationship with your soul it continues to work with you. It's like having a team member on your Call of Duty video game. They just so happen to follow you around and shoot people before you get killed and protect you, that's your soul. Your soul has probably saved your life so many times but you have not been coherent of its power and Magic.
I'm not going to sugar-coat that most of us don't want to deal with our demons and negative beliefs about ourselves because it hurts too much. We don't want to go there, we don't want to feel it, it's painful.
I wanted a life that was worth living, and meaningful to its core. That's what got me started. I was seeking how to do that. It did not anticipate for the amount of knowledge, and circumstances that I would be faced with to teach me these things. One on one, hands on. So anything and everything that you face in life is meant for your greater good.
Now hear me, for YOUR greater good. The greater good of you is the greater good for all.
The greater good for you is the greater good for all.
It's important to always remember that. As long as you're good, then you can be good to help, good to go, good and ripe and sweet and delicious and a good person. You'll feel good. LIFE will be good. Your kids will be good. Your husband/wife will be good. When you can make good your foundation, then the core of your life will become good as well. This takes time. Everyones timeline will going to be different.
I have observed other people that are very good at navigating through life. I have found that these individuals have not been through any trauma or transformation yet in their life. I also believe that there are individuals that have gone through transformation and Trauma at a very young young age and are blessed to learn the lessons at a very flexible time so that they can live a very good life. We all have set up our own unique path. We all have a beginning, middle and end. The obstacles that are placed are placed by you to achieve your true purpose. As things get easier and easier or if you're faced with many many obstacles, realize that you are working on a lot of things in a small amount of time so that circumstances will not be dragged out for your entire lifetime. It's time to get it over with and get over it.
This is when I feel that I started my relationship with My Soul. I was running on empty with my ego and it dumped me. My soul came to save me and taught me some things. Egos are inevitably something you will always have, but it's good for your ego to be your best friend with your soul. The ego cannot handle everything on its own. Plus our ego is fueled by our fear , our soul is fueled by our love . To have a good relationship with yourself is to have these two parts of you balance. That's why we are designed with a dual source.
Even If you do not have a direct relationship with your soul it continues to work with you. It's like having a team member on your Call of Duty video game. They just so happen to follow you around and shoot people before you get killed and protect you, that's your soul. Your soul has probably saved your life so many times but you have not been coherent of its power and Magic.
I'm not going to sugar-coat that most of us don't want to deal with our demons and negative beliefs about ourselves because it hurts too much. We don't want to go there, we don't want to feel it, it's painful.
I wanted a life that was worth living, and meaningful to its core. That's what got me started. I was seeking how to do that. It did not anticipate for the amount of knowledge, and circumstances that I would be faced with to teach me these things. One on one, hands on. So anything and everything that you face in life is meant for your greater good.
Now hear me, for YOUR greater good. The greater good of you is the greater good for all.
The greater good for you is the greater good for all.
It's important to always remember that. As long as you're good, then you can be good to help, good to go, good and ripe and sweet and delicious and a good person. You'll feel good. LIFE will be good. Your kids will be good. Your husband/wife will be good. When you can make good your foundation, then the core of your life will become good as well. This takes time. Everyones timeline will going to be different.
I have observed other people that are very good at navigating through life. I have found that these individuals have not been through any trauma or transformation yet in their life. I also believe that there are individuals that have gone through transformation and Trauma at a very young young age and are blessed to learn the lessons at a very flexible time so that they can live a very good life. We all have set up our own unique path. We all have a beginning, middle and end. The obstacles that are placed are placed by you to achieve your true purpose. As things get easier and easier or if you're faced with many many obstacles, realize that you are working on a lot of things in a small amount of time so that circumstances will not be dragged out for your entire lifetime. It's time to get it over with and get over it.
You do have the skills and the ability to navigate through any obstacle with Grace. It can be practiced. Nobody is left out. Everyone gets to play. To be good at a game you have to play a lot to understand how the game works. Just like anything else in life, practice makes perfect, life as well takes a little practice.
Now I know there are people running around like chickens with their heads cut off looking like they got it all figured out. Realize they are chasing their happiness, extracting themselves from their true selves. Looking outside of yourself for happiness is just as silly as being afraid of a storm on the other side of the world.
What I'm trying to teach you or relay to you here is that your whole life is this journey. There is no ending until you take your last breath. I am guiding you to happiness and joy through the Journey. I am teaching ease and flow, so you can live the path of least resistance that is available to you if you use the right energy. Remember energy is emotion. I am teaching you to control and transform any emotion to a positive frequency so your life looks nice and feels good.
I am not claiming to be a master of Life. What I've realized is you can know it all, but that does not exclude you from the experiences of this world. All the emotions will be experienced to refine your soul purpose. Grief, despair, anger, Joy, love, satisfaction and enlightenment. Life is full of emotion. Every moment every second we are feeling something. At times our emotions get out of our control. We call this depression and anxiety. On the other end of the scale we have addiction. Addicted individuals are absolutely addicted to extremely high energy. Some highly addictive Drugs vibrate at a level that is hard for any human to manifest on their own. That is why addiction can become so devastating. Humans at this time can not naturally produce that kind of energy on our own all the time to the degree that drugs offer. It's a false positive. It's abnormal. Drug addiction will make you dip down deep to the lower vibrations of feeling and emotion which is depression and despair and shame after a binge of the high.
We need to focus on how we feel, how we interact with other. The goal is to be able to control our emotions in any given situation and stay about neutral or higher if possible at most times of our lives. Emotions run our reality, realize controlling your emotions is your power. Navigating through your emotions is natural. Choosing a perspective is a gift.
Now I know there are people running around like chickens with their heads cut off looking like they got it all figured out. Realize they are chasing their happiness, extracting themselves from their true selves. Looking outside of yourself for happiness is just as silly as being afraid of a storm on the other side of the world.
What I'm trying to teach you or relay to you here is that your whole life is this journey. There is no ending until you take your last breath. I am guiding you to happiness and joy through the Journey. I am teaching ease and flow, so you can live the path of least resistance that is available to you if you use the right energy. Remember energy is emotion. I am teaching you to control and transform any emotion to a positive frequency so your life looks nice and feels good.
I am not claiming to be a master of Life. What I've realized is you can know it all, but that does not exclude you from the experiences of this world. All the emotions will be experienced to refine your soul purpose. Grief, despair, anger, Joy, love, satisfaction and enlightenment. Life is full of emotion. Every moment every second we are feeling something. At times our emotions get out of our control. We call this depression and anxiety. On the other end of the scale we have addiction. Addicted individuals are absolutely addicted to extremely high energy. Some highly addictive Drugs vibrate at a level that is hard for any human to manifest on their own. That is why addiction can become so devastating. Humans at this time can not naturally produce that kind of energy on our own all the time to the degree that drugs offer. It's a false positive. It's abnormal. Drug addiction will make you dip down deep to the lower vibrations of feeling and emotion which is depression and despair and shame after a binge of the high.
We need to focus on how we feel, how we interact with other. The goal is to be able to control our emotions in any given situation and stay about neutral or higher if possible at most times of our lives. Emotions run our reality, realize controlling your emotions is your power. Navigating through your emotions is natural. Choosing a perspective is a gift.
If you do interact with negative energy this can vibrate your reality and manifest right in front of your eyes to prove to you that you were feeling it. This is why being observant is very important in your practice. Controlling your emotions, or the energy around you and transforming it to positive before the manifestation process is Magic!
This world seems a little out of control because some of us are out of control. How can a country be in control when it's people are out of control. A lot of our people are desperate to feel good and happy. This is why addiction and alcoholism is on the rise. There is a proper solution.
You can start today and make a pact with your soul that you're going to try to be a better person everyday. Small goals here people. Realize that this is a journey of life, your entire life. You have your whole life to figure this out. Even just by setting an intention to focus on being a better person each day is enough. Literally, If you just think and feel good about yourself everyday, good things will happen. Very slowly but there will be progress in your life.
For those individuals that want to dive right in and go right for it, I must give you a warning. You have a shadow, a dark side, we need to talk for a minute. Most of you don't like to talk about your dark side or admit that you have one. If you want a good life you have to master your shadow. You have to control and command your shadow. You have to honor and respect your shadow. Your dark side has great value and is a great teacher.
When you want to start bettering yourself the first things that comes up to work on is your shit. You will be faced with situations that make your ugly come out. You will show yourself when you are unable to control your emotions. This is the ugly that you are trying to control and unite with. Our shadow is a tool to remind you that your are in a bad vibe state of mind. Your Shadow is controlled and filter through your ego.
Your ego is your safety mechanism, it responds to a threat before you can usually catch yourself reacting.
It's a very important part of being human. It also can overreacts and get you in trouble sometimes. When you're not present or coherent of your shadow you can become a victim of yourself. You can self-sabotage, and be the problem sometimes. So it's good to learn to control your emotions and energy. Your inner Shadow and ego can grow very strong on low vibrational energy like fear and stress. Sometimes imprisoning our own soul. Our soul has zero operation in the lower vibrational energies. Remember your soul is always working for you but if you're in a low vibration, you won't be able to see what's available from your soul. Think of it like having low Vibe goggles on. That's why it's important to understand what neutral feels like. Contentment or feeling neutral allows us to operate with our soul and our shadow. It's like uniting our Jekyll and Hyde.
The good news is, Once you set the intention to better yourself things will change. The work you will be doing is self work. You'll be soothing, gentle and patient with yourself . You will naturally distance yourself from others to take time with yourself. You'll get to know yourself on a deeper level. You will see your faults and transform them into your strengths. You will go through life in an observable way so you can bring peace to your world and others . All of this will come slowly but surely as you practice you craft.
Until you are aware and coherent to handle your emotions, continue to hack your mind and talk yourself into a better way of thinking. Create your own affirmations, build a new language and vocabulary that supports the good life that you want to live. Practice getting back to neutral or above. That's the goal.
How do you get to neutral and above when you're somewhere low. You start from where you are. Many of you understand the scale of emotions. There are good emotions and there are bad emotions. Despair and shame or at the bottom. Love and blessings and understanding are at the top of the emotional scale. Every emotion has in energy vibration. Many of this information will be in your studies. You will learn the value of your emotions once you start observing them.
Think and feel of anything better than what you're thinking now. Remember and remind yourself that this is what is occurring. You are observing yourself being an ass, or being stubborn, or being impossible, whatever it may be. It's an accomplishment in itself. So be excited about that . Find joy and excitement when you find yourself happy, thriving, and passionate.
You really do not like the way you feel when you're being an ass. It's not fun to Tango on the dark side. Someone always gets hurt. Most of the time when we are defensive or selfish we can make the situation worse by throwing fuel on the Fire. Remember that this kind of behavior is fundamentally coming from a place of fear. Know that, Even if you started it, you can stop yourself in the tracks and neutralize the situation. Also if you come into a negative situation you have the power to neutralize it or walk away and not participate until the energy has becomes comfortable to discuss or resolve the situation. Neutralizing the situation is a practice. You will have a lifetime to work this out, you'll never get it perfect. The secret here is to know that you do have the power, and before you didn't know that.
You really do not like the way you feel when you're being an ass. It's not fun to Tango on the dark side. Someone always gets hurt. Most of the time when we are defensive or selfish we can make the situation worse by throwing fuel on the Fire. Remember that this kind of behavior is fundamentally coming from a place of fear. Know that, Even if you started it, you can stop yourself in the tracks and neutralize the situation. Also if you come into a negative situation you have the power to neutralize it or walk away and not participate until the energy has becomes comfortable to discuss or resolve the situation. Neutralizing the situation is a practice. You will have a lifetime to work this out, you'll never get it perfect. The secret here is to know that you do have the power, and before you didn't know that.
It's really fun when you get good at this. You literally can watch yourself light up a room when you're feeling great. You can watch and feel people's sadness and insecurities wash away when you present them with unconditional love. It's very cool.
Generally speaking you will need to practice patience and compassion on many categories of your life. Your career, your relationships, your children, your parents, etc etc. There will be a lot of working out to do over your whole lifetime. We live in a ocean of energy literally. Every person is giving off and receiving and giving off and receiving energy without us really comprehending the multitude of connection that we have with each other.
The goal is to get really really good at giving and receiving of energy and transforming negative energy. We all can do that. We are conductors of energy. We can take in negative energy into our bodies and transform it. Like giving someone a different positive perspective is it good example of transforming energy . The influence we have on others with our opinions and our feelings is tremendous. We are very powerful beings. We can change the world as we see it. We can influence others to treat us better by treating ourselves well. Everything we do and feel is interconnected with our reality and our circumstances. What we like and what we don't like. This information teaches you how to sift and sort through yourself and understand yourself in a loving compassionate way.
Living a life of Grace is hard only because you can see how many people are not living in the energy of Grace. This is why I write these things. I want this knowledge to be available to others that are ready to change their life. I want people to be able to face their demons and and their bad habits with some kind of empowerment behind them.
Our soul knows what we really need to feel true happiness. Our soul has the answers. We must be operating at a higher octave, or vibration in order to communicate and comprehend the good opportunities that this universe has to offer us. It may be hard to believe but when you're living in fear no good things can be possible. That is the law of the universe. I have spent a lot of my time and energy in seeking out this information and I want to share it, because it changed my life, I know it's important, and because I care.
Leah Marie Watson
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